Very interesting. I would say though to my fellow Tribe Members that as someone intimately familiar with the Catholic Church, I have never before heard this nonsense about "Trad Catholics." This is one more stupid phrase idiots like Candace have made up for the TikTok generation.

No normal churchgoing Roman Catholic believes anything like this weird idea that the State of Israel somehow invalidates Jews as the Chosen People.

Candace drank the Jew Hate Juice fresh from the spigot, clearly, but she did not get it from recognized Church teaching.

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I was going to write the same thing - I am a practicing, cradle Catholic. I attend Mass every Sunday, and try to get to Bible study as well. This "American Traditional Catholic" thing I've never heard of - guessing it's being promoted by a handful of nut jobs who don't really understand their theology, and then happily promoted by the mainstream media, which loves to make the faithful (of ANY faith) look ridiculous.

I can't find the quote, but around the time of his historic visit to Jerusalem, St. John Paul II said something along the lines that it is not enough for Christians to avoid anti-Semitism in their own actions and words, but care must be further taken that we do not even accidentally give aid or comfort to anti-Semites.

Here was a man who as a young seminarian in Nazi-occupied Poland was given a Jewish baby to hide. When the child's family was sent to be murdered, the young priest in training arranged to have a Catholic family claim the child as their own. When the war was over, the child was given to a Jewish family to be raised in that faith.

Mainstream Christian, including Catholic, theology has grown to a proper understanding of our relationship with what JPII refers to as "our mother faith." We are not called to actively work to convert Jews, who we now understand maintain their special relationship with G--.

Anyway, my guess is the national media gloms on to this sort of idiocy as a way of distracting from the fact that the vast majority of anti-Semitic acts in our nation are being committed by secular leftists and Islamists.

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Agreed, this is the first I have ever heard the term, and the attached nonsense.

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Agree. As a Judeochristian who was raised in Catholic schools and a Catholic home, I have never heard such nonsense. This is another example of extremism and highlights how little facts actually matter anymore. That is not to say I haven’t been extremely disappointed in the church many times over but my faith is not in the church.

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This Jones person is completely psychotic. I don't know a single Catholic who shares this deranged belief.


"Moreover, Jones went on record to say that Iran, a country where gays are hanged from trees and women are violently attacked on the streets for not wearing the hijab “is the leader of the free world” because, unlike the United States, it has been able to stand up to Jewish efforts to undermine the moral order of its society".

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Sep 22Liked by Naomi Zera

Well written article and informative. Thanks to the author 🙏🙏

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Well said.

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I watched that debate and I don't think Rabbi Schmuley won the debate, if you can even call it that. Winning a debate typically means polling your audience before and after the debate to see how the debaters changed public opinion. You can measure directional attitude change. And of course, you can also score on which side got more votes, although this is biased by your starting distribution of attitudes. None of this was done but I am not at all confident that if it had been, he would have won. In fact, I think public opinion might have increased post-debate in Candace's favour. It goes without saying that who you might wish had won the debate is not the same as who actually won. I don't think Rabbi Schmuley was effective in swaying public opinion. His early launch into ad hominen attacks on her was unlikely to sway undecided minds, namely, the only ones that change their minds from pre- to post-debate. He alienated the host. I wish he had debated more effectively than he did.

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Rabbi S dies nothing for the cause. He’s a horrible debater who thinks facts and facts alone will persuade an audience. I can’t believe no one has taken him aside and said, “Schmuley. Buddy. Enough. You’re not helping anymore.”

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I have a take that is an indictment of Candace Owens, "British Zionism," and much else. First to Owens, whose soul has morphed from idiotic to ghoulish in the space of a few short years. My first encounter involved her opinion of Ahmaud Arbery, the story of whose murder in the streets of Georgia would be incomplete unless, Owens informed us, we kept in mind the allegations that this promising young man trespassed on a construction site and pilfered materials from the site. Even if true, if my law school training is correct, trespass and pilfering, misdemeanors at the most, are not warrants for cold-blooded murder.

Maybe I missed the Law school course on "mitigation factors in cases of first degree murder."

Owens should have been hounded out of the conservative movement then and there, but she was given regular interview spots on Fox News, especially Tucker Carlson, whose "unorthodox views" I tolerated through his infamous Putin interview until he crossed my final line in his interview with Darryl Cooper, the WWII revisionist "historian" who believes that Churchill was the supreme villain of the war and that Hitler and "Christian Germany" were merely "misunderstood."

In my earliest years as a Christian, a well meaning but gullible woman in our church came under the influence of an author whose "deliverance ministry" included the belief that "Real Jews" were not the Ashkenazi victims of the Holocaust, but rather Caucasians, who ultimately settled the British Isles.

I was troubled enough by all this that my troubles came to the attention of an English professor in the Department where I was temporarily employed. He was a Jewish professor who specialized in science fiction, and he introduced me to Norman Cohn's "Warrant for Genocide," which traced the origins of the mother of all conspiracy theories, "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion."

It was in the "Protocols" that I found what I was looking for: the diabolical roots of the most deadly of antisemitic narratives, the one that helped drive Nazi ideology and is still taught in Madrassas throughout the Muslim world.

So Owens and Tucker have taken their places in my personal gallery of villainous idiots, enablers of what Konstantin Kisin brilliantly defines as "the Woke Right."

Yes, Virginia, there is wokeness on our side of the ideological divide as well, and it is every bit as nutty as the Left leaning brand. And as potentially dangerous as what Elon defined as the "woke mind virus."

Now here's an odd side note to all of this: one of my favorite movies of all time is "Chariots of Fire," and there's a hauntingly beautiful hymn sung by a boy's choir at the end. A friend managed to find the lyrics to the hymn, which sound all the world to like something grounded in British Zionism.

Although not a Roman Catholic myself, some of my favorite Christian thinkers have included Gilbert Chesterton and JRR Tolkien. And I join with others on Substack in resisting the idea that the Catholic Church is itself an antisemitic institution, despite the Church's sometimes unsavory history to the contrary.

German Christians during Hitler's Reich included not only Catholic clerics who were themselves antisemitic and who aided the escape of Nazi war criminals postwar, but also heroes of the Faith like Bonhoeffer.

I apologize for this random and disorganized thread. Blame Naomi, Penny, and other voices pushing back against the tide of antisemitic bile. Their work continues to inspire me!

Mike, who is enjoying "the life of a private man with no cares."

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Whatever animus might have existed in previous eras of the Church related to the primitive belief that Jews murdered Christ. This misses the point- in order to fulfil various prophecies be both had to be reviled by many within the tribes of Israel (especially the pious), and his death on the cross was preordained.

Hence, the gifts given by Magi at his birth- two of the gifts are those fit for a Prophet and a King, but the other was more properly used in the rituals associated with funeral rites- rather an odd gift to give an anointed King of Kings. For those who are interested in strange coincidences, here is a YouTube video which features strange Chinese court records which relate to simultaneous solar and lunar eclipses at the time of the death of Jesus.


The blood libel has existed for more than a millennium. It's a product of resentment that a people so despised and discriminated against by others could also be so successful. Ashkenazi Jews account for 0.1% of world population yet they've been awarded 20% of all Nobel prizes. Anti-Semitism is the rejected offering of Caine- it's a product of people and cultures unwilling to look deep within themselves to recognise the reasons why they might be failing.

There are pretty good foundations to criticise the impacts of Leftist Jews on culture, but this is product of the simple fact that although good ideas can produce good things and bad ideas can produce bad outcomes, good ideas are far more difficult to recognise and realise, whilst bad ideas have five times the magnitude in negative effects to the positive effects of good ideas. Any people who reach to the stars and are prone to genius are going to unleash all manner of horrors from Pandora's box, before the hope of a better future comes at the end...

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Tragic. People so strongly believe where their prejudices lie.

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I’m so tired of people claiming to be Christian taking Bible verses out of context to use in whatever way suits their view and agenda and Owens does it with such condescension and unbelievable hubris that it’s at once nauseating and infuriating. I wish she would just go away.

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I’d add that replacement theology isn’t just a construct of some form of catholic beliefs but some Protestant pastors as well, false teachers themselves, have a big role in spreading this false doctrine. True Christians love, support, and pray for Israel and the Jewish people and reinforce that they were chosen by God and remain the apple of His eye.

“I will bless those who bless you, And I will curse him who curses you; And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.””

‭‭Genesis‬ ‭12‬:‭3‬ ‭NKJV‬‬


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I didn’t watch the Candace Owens / Rabbi Shmuley Boteach debate, but I am aware of a form of Roman Catholicism that Owens could be a follower of. That movement is called “sedavacantism,” and it holds that since Vatican II, the papacy has technically been vacant. That was the outlook of actor Mel Gibson’s late father, Hutton Gibson, who also was prone to denial of the reality of the Holocaust.

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This is a heresy - and Gibson's father was excommunicated. Therefore, it is an anti-Catholicism. Further, the other canonical Christian Churches - the Eastern Orthodox, Copts, Assyrians - also do not recognize these heretics as part of the universal Church. They are truly outcasts from traditional Christianity.

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The clarification is appreciated.

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Has anyone told Jones that Iran is the only country in the world that has reserved seats in its parliament specifically for Jews? I suspect that might make his brain explode.

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As a non Jewish man who volunteered to go to Israel a day after the Yom Kippur War broke out, because my Jewish girlfriend was out there, I stand with Israel.

I saw how close Israel came to being defeated by Syrian and Egyptian tanks.

I saw how Christians didn't give a damn.

I didn't hear shit from the pope or Christians in Europe.

Then again, I despise the church. I see every clergy as politicians in frocks and this western god doesn't exist.

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hola, naomi. your post got my creative and critical thinking juices moving. i began a comment that just kept getting longer. too long for a comment so i converted it into a substack essay. i'm putting the initial part of the essay here as a partial comment. and for you, or anyone interested enough to go to the end, i've included the links to my written form and audio only form. your presentation and ideas really challenged me and that was wonderful. 🙏❤️🧘‍♂️☯️🧘‍♂️❤️🙏


(the substack 'intro'.)

As I continued to reflect on her argument, my words continued to flow and make connections until it became clear that this ‘comment’ was to be more than that. So, here it is. That 'comment 'began almost a week ago now.

Nice to meet you. And I appreciate the perspective you argued. It gave me a bit more to chew on — actually a lot as I dug into this — as I continue to work through my examination of the perniciousness of 'morality' as, perhaps, the deepest manifestation of what some/many have and do call ‘evil’ — from both sides of the great divide. Note that since you unilaterally reached out to me in a direct message without a word of greeting or explanation, nothing other than the link to your article, I have assumed you wanted me to get a different perspective, your perspective, on Candace Owens. That is the common element joining my recent essay and your argument. I inferred that because I have recently written that I have been watching Owens and other people like her, whom I have started to call 'righties’. What originally caught my eye with them was how easily they disassemble and/or eviscerate the mostly brain empty/dead vocal/hysterical ideological progressive liberals, loosely labeled ‘left’ or perhaps extreme left by the less radical left. I will avoid using ‘woke’ because I have come to see that it is a distraction descriptor, perhaps planted by the operators of language debasement.


Taking Sides is Where It’s At?

It is to be noted that I've not once commented on her, or anyone’s, perspective on the 'Zionist divide', since I've not looked at it at all except to see its fallout, occasionally, such as when Shmuley humiliated himself and that side of the argument with his nasty schoolyard/childish verbal bullying and extreme ad hominem and insubstantial attacks on Owens in the Piers Morgan Uncensored debate you discussed.

So, since you unilaterally and wordlessly ‘asked' me to visit your piece without asking me directly — I'm also inferring that this is so you can help me to pick the right side — I have, therefore, unilaterally responded to your opinion piece and then provided my own opinion. And expanded on both with more detail and context for my thinking.

This began as a shortish comment, and continued to grow over a couple days. With that, I extracted it out of the comment box into a text editor because I could feel it calling me to expand it into a Substack essay with what your comment has brought into my awareness and how it has expanded my thinking and connected some fascinating dots. For that I am grateful. It has been an engaging exploration for me.


Ad Hominem Attacks Did Not A Debate Victor Make

To begin: Shmuley did not win the debate — he simply condemned Owens with at best weak, albeit nasty, ad hominem attacks, most of which were based on cherry picked snippets of her criticism and or commentary taken out of context. And some, as far as I can tell at this time, were simply creations from his imagination arising from his clearly expressed fanatical hatred of her. Furthermore, his poor childish deportment, demeanour and insults did nothing to convince me of anything he said being accurate. Finally, and perhaps the worst for his side of the divide, from him I learned absolutely nothing about what he was arguing. For me to get that perception of him from that short exchange — hadn't seen or heard him before — says a lot and none of it good.

Throughout the not-a-debate debate Owens maintained a good semblance of a grown, mostly equanimous adult, even while being attacked for her simply being alive. Without re-watching it, which I will not likely do — life is too short — Owens was the more reasonable and persuasive for the simple reason she was not throwing sand into her own eyes in one of the most incredible adult tantrums I’ve seen in such a forum. The only one that might have been worse was also on Piers Morgan Uncensored, this time with Cenk Ugyur. See “You're ALL Guilty!” Candace Owens x Cenk Uygur On Israel, Trump & More.” https://youtu.be/IkG6WbNx91I&t=301 (I challenge you to watch it and see if you can see the resemblance between Ugyur and Shmuley.)


I’m Skeptical of All ‘Heroes’ and their Given and/or Expressed Authority

By my skeptical and inquisitive nature I’ve not taken Owens at face value. By experience I no longer side with anyone, especially people who have been given an aura of authority, such as Owens who it seems, has managed to accumulate such respect. Invariably the ‘heroes’ show their feet of clay at some point. Therefore I choose to listen without taking a side. Then, if what they say has interested me enough, I begin my own research by following the intuitive promptings and amazing synchronicities that guide me to see if I can find the dead bodies, skeletons or other clues in the closet.

So, with Owens, I’ve been gently poking around her and a few similar ‘righties’ to her, to see if I can figure how they embody the poorest aspects of so-called ‘good’ morality. And how that misanthropic morality is couched or hidden within or behind their powerful use of language and the expansive resources they have of accumulated knowledge of the Bible, its and society’s histories, as well as depth of recent/contemporary history. This puts most progressive liberal ‘lefties’ who challenge them at a complete, and often utter, disadvantage because these people are completely lacking all three of those resources. And that vacuum is unquestionably the consequence of having had their brains washed empty by the government funded/sponsored Rockefeller endorsed and structured education that began at an early age and then culminated in college’s ungrounded mis- and dis-informed ideologies. I’ve seen these adept righties eviscerate, without effort, even so-called college professors who have been successfully doing the brainwashing.


We Are Living In An Amazing Time To See This So Clearly




The end of the 'comment-essay' is in my substack. It is too long too fit within the comment field.

For anyone interested to continue:

Written format is here with audio as well:


Audio only is here:


all the best with what is changing. everything changes! with peace, respect, love and exuberant joy.


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Most organized religions end up co-opted by political cults which then suck the soul out of whatever was once sacred--turning the text and interpretation into a handy tool of control for the state. It's one of several reasons I stopped going to church (until I met a Universalist Swami and a woman minister of the Unitarian church.) Interpretation requires rigorous discernment. Candace Owens gets it right 9 out of 10 times, but is by no means a biblical scholar. I usually can agree with her take on the Dems, and she certainly has an IQ and emotional IQ far in excess of what Kamala's limited brain can muster. I'll continue to study the Gnostics--who were also persecuted, and burned at the stake for opposing the 'Roman Catholic Church' (aka Vatican/Venetian Black Nobility.) There are many examples of oppression-suppression-and holocaust throughout history. Thanks for the heads up...I have only scanned the article thus far- and will give it my undivided attention later. pax

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Man, reading this reminds me of the danger of not just religion but every man made organization with their own set of rules. It’s complicated. I look for simple truths: when asked by the Pharisees to trick him, “which of the 10 commandments was most important?” Jesus replied, “Love God with all your heart”. And then, “which is second?”, He replied, “love all of your brothers and sisters as much as you love God.” Simple, not easy. Satan loves to divide and conquer. The thing I love most about the American experiment (I think of it as that) is the original idea: “Your rights end where mine begin and vice versa, don’t tread on me.” Freedom and responsibility go together. The tangled web we weave with all the division and hate blinds us all to what we have in common, if we could just start there.

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I'd say it was this so called god who was invented to divide and rule. According to the lying bible this god, there were other beings who descended to Earth and gave knowledge to people. This one the west called god was a genocidal maniac which is why he won the battle of the gods and became the dictator of tyranny.

Remember, these gods descended from above so perhaps Earth is Hell.

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You have free speech and a right to believe what you want (at least for now, depending on who wins the upcoming election and if a certain Party wins who is openly stating and has already demonstrated they will censor and cancel anyone who disagrees with them for misinformation). Interesting that you think Jesus, a man of peace, who did not do or teach violence, is to blame. We all have free will to choose.

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I didn't mention Jesus. I'm talking about one of the gods who came to Earth from outside this planet. As I said, there are gods who came to pass on knowledge and gods who came to destroy civilisations that didn't agree with his diktats.

Megalomaniacs who murdered the very humans they had sex with to create. Your god apparently drowned everybody who didn't take a knee.

And I support MAGA

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My God is Jesus, the holy trinity. The Creator, the Spirit, and the Son. “They” are one. That is my God. So who is it you believe my god to be?

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You made my conspiracy Theory not all that conspiratorial. Thank you.

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